» Ride Manufacturers!
» Amusement Industry Consultants!
» Service Providers & Merchandise!
» Amusement & Theme Parks!
» Links to Disney Park sites & Fan Sites!
» Family Entertainment Centers!
» Roller Coasters & Roller Coaster Fan Sites!
» United States & Canada; Park Directory!
... Nearly 3,800 links in 7 continuously updated sections!
One of the largest directories
of Amusement Industry manufacturers, parks, fan sites,
service providers, consultants, & related links on the Web!
Amusement Industry Links / Directory
» Amusement Industry: Ride Manufacturers, Consultants, Service Providers, Organizations, & Merchandise
» Amusement & Theme Parks: United States, Canada, & the world. The Amusement & Theme Parks section is organized by type. Includes links to significant fan sites, as well.
» Disney Parks: Official Disney sites plus fan sites, usenet discussion groups, etc..
» Family Entertainment Centers: "Family Entertainment Centers" is a category for smaller parks or entertainment centers that often feature attractions like go-karts, bumper boats, miniature golf, bungee attractions, batting cages, etc., and occasionally amusement rides and water attractions.
» General Amusement Park & Rides Links: Besides links to parks throughout the world, contains links to discussion groups, fan sites, etc..
» Roller Coasters: This is probably the biggest list of roller coaster related links on the web.
» United States and Canada - Official Sites: Organized by states & provinces.
Other Amusement Industry Related References
» AIMS Member Categories
» CoasterBuzz Sites
» Joyrides/Related Links
» Roller Coaster DataBase
» Ultimate Roller Coaster Yellowpages
» Werner's Unofficial Disney Park Links
This index is based on amusement industry related links compiled during the process of updating and maintaining the Amusement Industry Manufacturers & Suppliers, Int'l. website from April 1999 to November 7, 2002. We've also included rescued links compiled & maintained by Tim Melago on pages formerly at http://users.stargate.net/~rollocst/amuse.html.
The directory also contains links to various "fan" sites. The only problem with these is they will typically be hosted on "free service" providers and they have a way of disappearing without a trace. We are aware that some of these links may no longer be valid but, for the time being, we've gone ahead and listed them. If you discover a link that's in error or is no longer supported we would appreciate if you let us know by dropping a line to -- (using this link will properly format the address & subject line on most email clients). If we add a link for your site at your request and you discontinue it, please let us know. Otherwise, if this proves to be a persistent problem, we may, in the future, require that fan sites be hosted on their own domain before we list them.
"Free" hosting (so-called): There are many inexpensive solutions for domain registration & hosting, at this time. The so-called "Free" web hosting services often have a tendancy to engage in practices that are intrusive. We think a serious and knowledgeable fan, who respects the time, privacy, and trust of his/her readers, will not want to subject them to wanton popup ads and all the associated data mining that commonly goes with "Free" hosting. We provide inexpensive domain hosting solutions ourselves and, frankly, we believe the cost for domain registration and hosting should not really be an obstacle for fans who are serious about publishing on the web.
Maintenance of this directory/index is done entirely on a voluntary basis, as time allows. Only emails with the subject "AMUSEMENT LINKS" and addressed to " " in connection with this section will be received. If you contact us regarding an invalid or changed link, please indicate the URL of the page where the link occurs and indicate the invalid URL. We need URLs really, more than company names. If we are only given a company name, without the corresponding URL, we will probably not attempt to edit or correct the entry until we have more complete information.
Linking Policy/Disclaimer: We generally prefer to discover sites we link to ourselves or add them on recommendation of trusted sources. Amusement industry related companies and sites are eligible for inclusion in this directory, but requests to be added may or may not be accepted or reviewed. Requests for inclusion will not necessarily receive a response, unless we decide to add the link. Link requests are reviewed only as time allows. Only requests sent to will be considered. As a matter of general policy, we only link to companies or organizations hosted on their own domain (rather than association member pages or pages hosted on "free" services) in connection with manufacturers, service providers, consultants, parks, etc.. While many of the sites listed are not client sites, amusment industry clients of parsonsnet.com, BatWorks™ CG , & Zipweb.net: web design, managment, & hosting solutions are given priority for inclusion.
If we find we are starting to get a lot of spam at the "amusement_links" address, we will disable it and/or may password protect this section, requiring registration to access.
Anybody is welcome to link to this section, however we do not engage in complimentary or gratuitous link swapping simply for the sake of swapping links. A site must relate to the amusement industry as a manufacturer, supplier, consultant, service provider, or represent & contain information about an amusement venue, park, attraction, ride(s), or FEC (Family Entertainment Center), or qualify as a serious fan site before we will link to it.
Information contained herein is believed to be correct, but we accept no responsibility for the accuracy thereof. The presence of the links on these pages does not constitute an endorsement of companies or individuals linked to.
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