spacer gifBatWorks™/ | web solutions

spacer gifMonday March 31 2025

  beginner website for small businesses & professionals

clicks to stuff

We've been doing this since January 1998...
about (why?)...
"I'm not just fussy about this stuff for no reason..."
client links
Some of our favorite people and the sites and we take care of.
get on the net!
Are you ready to build/revise your site, now?
amusing links
Over 3,800 amusement industry related links. Compiled during the three year period we produced and maintained the Amusement Industry Manufacturers & Suppliers site, these also include links formerly maintained by Tim Melago on his old site at
Press releases. News. Stuff that's going on.
short contact
For quick questions. Get the ball rolling on a new site design project or revision of an existing one. Rough costs.
j.parsons - web dev 
scalable unix/linux web hosting solutions

3-3-3 solution

Contact us today!
Submit this form, or call 646.494.7932, anytime, day or night.

For other questions or comments:

james parsons |
tripoli, iowa

input your!

Yes: I want the 333 Solution™, here's my info. I understand I must make payment in the amount of $300 before production of the web pages begins. I have read the Terms Of Service. My preferred payment method is indicated, below.

I will mail check payment in the amount of $300 made out to, PO Box 423, Tripoli, IA 50676-0423. I understand production of the website can be scheduled once payment has been received & check has cleared.

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What would you like to use for a domain name (may or may not be available)?:

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