Today is...Sunday February 23 2025

spacer gif - BatWorks

well designed,
and reasonably priced
web apps...
learn more!

spacer gif

home! | projects | bridges | WHOIS | get on the net | invitation | search


clicks to stuff gif

back to the start
client links
a few of our clients
the web is a bridge
get on the net!
solutions & options
an invitation
time to go "global"...?
let us know...

search the web
via Infoseek!
...the quicker search

contact form
input form for your comments, or, inquiries


web pages served
on Sun-Sparc multiprocessor servers running Solaris


james parsons : tripoli, iowa : 646.494.7932 :

", where do we want to go...
and when do we want to get there?"

search domain names...


Use the following form just to check for the availability of .com & .net names. Provide a value for the name and select either ".com" or ".net" for the appropriate search. A query will be performed on InterNIC Registration Services database. (Note: dot-org names are now managed through a different organization - for further info.)

Use browser "Back" button to return to this page from "Whois".

Domain Name:


we register...
... names
just $20/year!
Contact us

for space
in cyberspace!

Basic domain hosting... Starts at just $25.00 per month!

Hosting solutions for e.commerce options (secure server/web forms, etc.), including online transactions processing, begins at just $50 per month!

Update/revision services, site monitoring, search engine submission.

for info about development, maintenance, and update solutions.


spacer gifplanet earth gifdeveloped & produced by james parsons, tripoli, iowa © 1998.

spacer gif

These pages are optimized for level 4 & up browsers.
Internet Explorer
Made with Macintosh

"...okay!...put that down, punkin!.." go to top of page!

BatWorks™ Creative Group
©, 1998-2001, tripoli, iowa


James Parsons is a member of...

HTML Writer's Guild